Tuesday, June 17, 2008

5 New Super Earths Found (NON-Gaming... but cool)

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Five new super-Earths have been located in solar systems far, far away. What's so super about them you ask? Well, the biggest of them is 30 times huger than our own planet.

These planets were found by the High-Accuracy Radial-Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS), a device that has found 45 super-Earths since 2004.

The goal of its search is to find a planet similar to our own, hopefully to duplicate the conditions that gave life to Earth. Who knows? Maybe humans can even migrate to it once we find it (fat chance of that happening in the near future since we haven't even managed to send a team to Mars yet).

This is all fruitless speculation anyway, since we haven't yet found any habitable planets for us. The super-Earths found are far too massive, and far too inhospitable. Because of their rapid orbit around their respective suns (one of them has a complete revolution in four days, whereas we take 365), they are believed to be nothing more than balls of hot gas.

The search for a not-Super-Earth continues. Perhaps when we have developed Faster Than Light technology, and we have created a cybernetic race we have affectionately named Cylons, and after said race tries to eradicate our own and we are forced to leave to look for another maybe-mythical Earth, maybe then.


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