Thursday, December 11, 2008

Black Ice for $5 ???

So last night, my uncle calls me from Toronto and was like, "Yo Jon, download me that new AC/DC album" and I was like OK. So I did so and burnt it onto a CD. But today I was walking around Westmount mall at lunch and I walked into Supertunes. I couldn't find anything I liked (Aside from a sweet Red Hot Chili Peppers iron-on patch) so as I was walking out, I turned back and said to my buddy Sam, "I know theres a copy here somewhere." So I started walking back into the store and out of the corner of my eye, I saw it lying there on the floor under the island of cd's in the middle of the store. I picked it up and there was no tag on it. So, I walked up to the goth gil at the counter and was like, "Yo... five bucks?" She was like, "unghhh.....ok whatever..."

Happy Face :)


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New AC/DC and Guns N' Roses Albums are AMAZING!

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