Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rest of my day

So after my soccer game, I went to the mall to meet up with Justin and Sam. After some window shopping, (and free cinnamon buns) I went to Chapters to get my brother a Naruto manga book. We walked over to my grandma's house, where we ate some nachos, and watched the uncut version of Matrix Revolutions. After watching some special features, and beating solitaire twice, we are now off to the JCC where we will partake in a Krystallnacht // Holocaust Memmorial Program for BBYO.

See ya later
Jon // Aphex

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Soccer Game

My soccer game went pretty well! We started out with a goal about 5 minutes in. But after about anther 20 they were at ua tied at 2-2. We got lazy and they popped in another goal. Then we tied us at 3-3. We ended up getting both teams points. I only got a minor injury, I scraped my kneecap and it burns a little, but some disinfectant and bandages go a longway.

Aphex // Jon

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So... First post eh? Well my day was kinda boring today. I woke up at about 12:00 (I'm a late sleeper). I ate my Eggo waffle breakfast, then I went to my room to lie down on my bed (I felt sick). So, as I'm lying there I turn on my electro music (like what's playing now). About 3 hrs pass and I decide to go play some Far Cry: Vengeance on my Nintendo Wii. After that I ate a frozen ravioli dinner and I am now at my grandma's house in the middle of night, supposedly sleeping because I have a soccer game tommorow. I hope nothing bad happens this time.

Last soccer game I broke my nose.

If another guy kicks the ball at my face I'll break him.


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Jey-Jey // Tecktonik Dance

Sweet dance I'm into.

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